Michael Houston
Michael Houston 's Bio
Growing up in Brooklyn, NY, I was exposed to a lot of diversity from being around so many different cultures and being able to experience other perspectives outside of my own. Although my own wasn't so bad. My mom, still to this day, is a master of impressions, her most famous being Marge Simpson. She was a comedian in her own right and I learned a lot by watching how she provided a natural joy and humor to those around her. My Dad was a wordsmith: clever and charming. He also was down to earth. I can hear him to this day reminding me: never get gray hair over things you can't control. From watching top tier comedy such as Martin and making my 3rd grade classmate my Pam so I can practice Martin's jokes on her, it was the start of it all. Kings of Comedy, Ace Ventura, In living Color, Delirious etc, I have absorbed various forms of comedic elements to incorporate into my personal style. Energetic, theatrical, up to date and thoughtfully funny.